
WND Promotes Nirtherism in Iraq

A Kiwi Infidel2/24/2009 12:27:34 pm PST

re: #268 Walter L. Newton

Well, they do, that’s all that matters. You know, I know Christian sects that call say Catholics are not Christians, and so on and so on.

A lot of the more liberal Christians sects don’t believe in hell or Satan, so, they are not Christians.

Seventh Day Adventist don’t believe in a number of standard Christian doctrines, are they not considered Christian.

Saying “I don’t think they’re Christians” in my mind is a cop out and only puts a person in the position to ignore the problem.

We had almost 2000 years of Christian Jew hatred and that ended up with what happened during WWII.

I guess those million and millions of Jew haters were not Christians. In that case, I suspect through out history, there was about 3 percent of the Christian nations that were really Christian.

For a self prefessed athiest, Walter, you are actually closer to the truth than you realise.

I have been hit with Stinky’s stick for going off topic during a “Creationism vs evolution” thread. Jesus said “go into the world and proclaim the gospel, saving men” (words to that effect) He DID NOT say,” go into the world and try to prove that world was created during 6 days 6,000 years ago”
Creationism is a red-herring, a ploy of satan to take our eyes off the real problem. That all of mankind is seperated from God and we all need a Saviour.