
Obama's First Supreme Court Pick: Sonia Sotomayor

cybermonk5/26/2009 10:43:39 am PDT

re: #44 Charles
right wing radio is usually right about Obama. He is very predictable, so LGF accuses FOX of doing “hit pieces?” Obama has done just about everything Limbaugh has predicted. I thought LGF was non partisan, give the facts and then make a decision, it seems now that you have moved over to Obama’s side on several issues.
So tell me Charles, do you agree with Pres. Obama on abortion, high taxes, the fairness doctrine, immigration, climate change, which do you support? or the rest of his radical agenda, you want to give him a chance? fine, however, he has managed to stab his own people in the back, I for one don’t trust him. or am I now a “right wing extremist?”
and as a Jew and Israeli citizen I do not trust Obama when it comes to Israel. He is surrounded by Jew haters and would sell out Israel in a minute. He caters to tyrants, makes excuses for dictators and makes threats to Israel. He is either naive or a Jew hater. He associates with radicals, You have ,justifiably, criticized right wing blogs for associating with hate groups, how about the Jew haters and radicals Obama associates with or tolerates? Do those associations bother you?