
Poll: Majority of Americans Oppose GOP's Windfall for the Rich

elizajane12/03/2010 4:27:44 pm PST

re: #356 NamDoc67

I’m not opposed to paying taxes, tax increases or spending cuts, or any combination.

I was pointing out that calling it a “windfall” - a very large net plus - when someone’s taxes are not increased is just dishonest spin.

That’s it. That’s my point.

That’s a misrepresentation. In theory at least, the taxes were always due to expire, so the tax everybody ought to have been expecting for the next fiscal year would be the pre-Bush level. That has, again in theory, always been what taxes would be, as one plans ahead for savings, spending, etc.

To now call implementing that original plan a “tax increase” (rather than, say, the scheduled resumption of normal taxes as planned by Bush and a Republican congress) is the dishonest spin. IMHO.