
TN GOP Rep. Nicely: Einstein Would Be in Favor of Teaching Creationism

HRH Stanley Sea4/15/2011 5:48:16 pm PDT

re: #349 Killgore Trout

I’m starting to wonder. With the rise of Trump the wingnuts aren’t terribly bothered that he endorsed Canadian style single payer universal healthcare, endorsed left candiates, etc.
I think what’s happening is the base is rudderless. They don;t believe in anything anymore. They are just hungry for a leader. They don;t care what the ideas are or what the agenda is. All they want is a leader and will latch on to whoever Fox News and the GOP establishment parade in front of them. Huntsman has as much chance as Palin or Mitt.

Seriously, I think Fox News is the driver here. They own the GOP and its candidates.