
Breaking: Zimmerman in Custody, to Be Charged With 2nd Degree Murder

ReamWorks SKG4/11/2012 5:33:52 pm PDT

Like most of you, I feel that the shooting of Trayvon Martin was irresponsible, unwarranted, and (given what I know) criminal. There’s no excuse for patrolling your street in a residential area with a gun, looking for trouble. George Zimmerman should have been arrested and charged from the beginning; even if it was established that Mr. Martin threw a few punches at him. Martin was being followed and harassed and was plausibly scared and defensive. A trial is the best way we have to weed out the facts.

That being said, I think Angela Corey is full of crap when she says “we do not prosecute by public pressure or by petition.”

That’s EXACTLY what Florida is doing. Had there been no public outcry, they would have ignored the shooting of Trayvon Martin.