
Tech Note: Using Media Queries With PHP

Dark_Falcon4/13/2014 9:08:35 am PDT

re: #363 SteveMcGazi

BTW your selective outrage over my #357 and none for Romantic Heretic’s #355 is noted. Odd choice.

re: #176 Dark_Falcon

I’m sorry but I must say that would be unwise. The wingnuts might well have responded to that by opening fire on the BLM men doing the culling. While the BLM perhaps should not have backed off when it did, to have started killing the cattle (likely with guns) while armed wingnuts were massed against other government personnel would have likely set off a bloodbath.

To fuse two themes together, fighting out in the open as was done during the Revolution is now impossible. Modern firepower, even bolt action rifles, is simply too deadly to stand in front of. If you want to put paid to the wingnuts, you have to catch them by surprise. (Yes you could just sic helicopter gunships on them, but the PR blowback from doing that would be cataclysmic).

I reposted something upthread that I wrote last night to illustrate that I have in fact addressed a point similar to that made by RH.

There is also the fact that I felt Romantic Heretic had inserted a sufficient disclaimer into his/her post.