
Stephen Colbert on the Bizarre Propaganda Film the White House Made to Impress Kim Jong-Un

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)6/13/2018 5:46:08 pm PDT

re: #364 Khal Wimpo (the extinguisher of tiki torches)

Think of it this way: this shitsmear is going to be going out and ranting in the starkest possible terms about race — the biggest hot-button issue in the U.S.

In Virginia, a state where minority enthusiasm & turnout in swing districts could pick up a few House seats.

So yeah. We’re going to have to grit our teeth against a Derpstorm-escalated-to-Hatefest with this dweeb, but long-term, he’s going to fuck over the sleazebags who think the same as him, but just have better cloaking discipline.

I think he just might help flip my district. My district hasn’t had a Democratic representative since the Carter years. I’m going to be meeting Jennifer Wexton next Monday. I really need to think of a good question to ask her.