
Donald Trump Says Obama Committed the Biggest Crime in US History, but He Doesn't Feel Like Telling You What It Was

Belafon5/12/2020 9:05:10 am PDT

In his economic briefings — which have featured former White House advisers like Jared Bernstein and Benjamin Harris as well as Heather Boushey of the liberal Washington Center for Equitable Growth — Biden has likened the necessity to spend massively and immediately, without the usual D.C. focus on deficits, to a wartime effort. Recently, on a private call with Colorado-based donors, a disenchanted Republican told Jill Biden, Joe’s wife and a prominent campaign presence, that he trusted her husband but feared he’d tacked too far left and wasn’t sufficiently concerned about “the pain” of the national deficit and debt. Jill, an English professor, replied, “I agree, there’s going to be so much pain that Joe has to address — it’s going to be the physical pain, the emotional pain, the social pain, the economic pain that this country is going to go through.” She ignored the part about the deficit…