
When Airbnb Goes Horribly Wrong: "Super Host"

mmmirele5/26/2024 10:41:01 am PDT

re: #291 Hecuba’s daughter

Election is in less than 6 weeks and Corbyn is no longer the head of the party. Here’s hoping that the Tories succeed in a disastrous defeat. And nothing happens to change the narrative to give Tories a victory.

Everything I’ve read (granted, not a whole lot) indicates that after Corbyn, Keir Starmer dragged Labour away from the edge of the left-wing nutcase abyss towards the center. Some argue that Starmer has watered down or gotten rid of Labour’s distinctives, but I’m not sure of that. Right now it does look like Labour may go to an historic victory, perhaps as historic as Clement Attlee’s 5 July 1945 victory which saw Winston Churchill (!) sent to the Opposition. We’ll see.