
Detroit Goes Bankrupt, Wingnuts Celebrate

A Mom Anon7/19/2013 1:49:48 am PDT

I really never thought that I’d live to see Americans openly celebrating the hard times of other Americans. Well, I didn’t think that until the last few years at least. It’s bothering me to the point that I can’t sleep.

I’d like to ask these “fine upstanding” Americans just wtf they think they’ve won in all this celebrating? Seriously assholes, I dare you to tell me precisely what the hell is it you won? I know who won here, and it ain’t who you think. It’s the people profiting off selling the parts that used to belong to the public that they have no rights to sell. But go ahead and do your victory lap, and then go to church on Sunday so you can tell us all just how much more God loves you than the rest of us. Please. Proceed.

I’d also truly LOVE to hear all these gleeful assholes tell me SPECIFICALLY what GOP policies and plans they have to make life better for the majority of people. I want to know how those plans work, not some “free market, get the government off your back” horseshit that tells me nothing. I want to know, SPECIFICALLY (pesky word, isn’t it?) what the plan is for getting people back to work and how fewer taxes make for good governing. I want to know SPECIFICALLY, why I should vote for anyone who claims to be a Republican or a Libertarian, I want to know SPECIFICALLY what they will do over the next 10 to 20 years to lower unemployment and make the middle class prosperous again. SPECIFICALLY. Go Ahead, you all are SO smart, tell me, since I’m a stupid Liberal, what it is that you’re doing, SPECIFICALLY to make this country better. I’m waiting….

Mike Rowe, the Dirty Jobs/Discovery Channel narrator guy, is on a quest to explain to people how we could fill 3 million jobs right now if our workforce was properly trained in various trades and skilled labor positions. We’ve fucked up in this country by devaluing blue collar jobs (other than lip service and “proud to be an American” songs on commercials) and steering kids towards anything that won’t get their hands dirty(I’ve been guilty of this to some degree myself, though I have changed my tune drastically in the last year). The result is that nearly every state has jobs that aren’t able to be filled because there’s no one who knows how to do them that isn’t retired. I’m talking about plumbers, electricians, infrastructure workers, welders, mechanics, machinists, the list goes on and on. Mike has appealed to both political parties, he’s testified before the Senate even. And no one is really hearing him. If you’ve ever seen Dirty Jobs, the concept is to show us what it takes to keep a modern society functional, the behind the scenes stuff we take for granted, like how a water treatment plant functions or what it takes to keep a sewage system cleared and functioning. We’ve attached shame to this sort of work which is amusing, until your sewage system backs up into your house on the weekend or the power goes out for a week, or the road you take to work develops a sinkhole, or a water main breaks and it takes days to fix.

This short sighted , mean spirited bullshit needs to stop. I really think we won’t survive as a nation unless we can bypass this crap and figure out how to work together, and damned soon. Terrorism isn’t going to be our undoing, the lack of Unity is. We’re being destroyed from within, and it’s not Liberalism that’s the enemy here. It’s Hate. It’s going to destroy us as a nation and as individuals. We’re not “Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for All” anymore, and until we are again, we have no business calling ourselves The United States of Anything.