
Amazing New Music From Joanna Newsom: "Sapokanikan"

Skip Intro10/26/2015 9:01:53 am PDT

Looks like the wingnut Freedum Caucus is not wingnut enough for the True Conservatives.

Fuming over Ryan, some conservative voices turn on the Freedom Caucus

The anger over Ryan’s ascent has been fueled by voices across the conservative media landscape. On the Internet, sites such as and the Drudge Report have pumped out a steady stream of anti-Ryan stories casting doubt on his record, while such prominent commentators as Erick Erickson, Ann Coulter and Mickey Kaus have sharpened their teeth and urged conservatives to contact lawmakers and tell them to spurn Ryan.

Particularly brutal have been the syndicated talk-radio hosts who have helped foment the anti-establishment outrage that has kept Donald Trump atop the GOP presidential race and forced Jeb Bush, a well-financed mainstream conservative, to undertake a campaign shake-up.

Laura Ingraham last week called Ryan “basically John Boehner with better abs” and featured segment after segment attacking Ryan’s positions on trade and immigration. She also mocked his desire to spend his weekends with his family.