
Press Release from DHS on 'Right-Wing Extremism' Report

CEQAttorney4/15/2009 7:11:40 pm PDT

The problem I have, and I think other conservatives have, is the implication that if you hold some of the beliefs stated in the report, you may be a “rightwing extremist” and a potential terrorist threat.

The report does not provide any details as to why this is so except for “internet chatter” and singular events that are separated by time and space. We do not even know whether the recent shooter had any political views; he may have simply been crazy.

It would have been a valid report if it provided specific groups or activities that are terrorist or violent. For example, activities by “Stormfront” (I think that’s the name of that group) could be considered a threat if they were particularly violent and widespread.

The issue is that there is no indication in the report that there is an actual problem. The DHS just “feels” there is a problem, I guess. If the report provided specific evidence of violent activities rather than just “feelings,” it could have been valid, but it does not.

If you compare this report to the “leftwing extremist” group reports, they are specific. They mention ALF or ELF, which do have a history of violent attacks.

In addition, the issue regarding military seems very odd. It is fully inline with the liberal viewpoint that veterans cannot cope outside of the military and react violently. We see no proof that this is happening, but the report implies that it is.

In short, the report looks to condemn people who hold a view point because they may be potentially violent without any evidence that those people are violent. I would not have a problem if they reported some attacks by racist groups or radical pro-life/anti-abortion groups. I do have a problem when the report implies that if you dislike illegal immigration, intrusive government, gun control, or are against the government’s current programs, you could be a “rightwing extremist” and a potential threat.