
Video: Rep. Mike Castle vs. the Nirthers

RalphShort7/20/2009 7:12:04 pm PDT

He produced a “live birth certificate”. That certificate only told us he was born in Hawaii. It does not provide the hospital, the doctor, the time. There has to be other information there about how the “birth certificate” was generated. Why does he not allow that to be made public.

FYI, several times in my past I have had to obtain my birth certificate (copy actually) from Pa. records. In each and every case it showed the hospital, the time of birth and the attending physician. I suspect that if he was born in a hospital in Hawaii it will also show much or all of that information. My personal belief is if he released the original certificate it will create more questions because it will not show the details. At the time of his birth Hawaii allowed people to obtain a certificate on their word so long as it was within a year of the birth of the child. At least that is my understanding of their law at the time.

To me all of that does not matter except he will not release the details and the only reason for that is there is something incriminating or embarrassing. Those that are insisting on it being released are in my view in the right. McCain released his.