
Shocka! Glenn Beck Says Geert Wilders is 'Far Right', and the Far Right is 'Fascist'

Spare O'Lake3/08/2010 7:41:09 pm PST

re: #358 Obdicut

Please show me where I have said anything that in any way, at all, approaches that.

And can you explain why you think the US doesn’t deport people, when it does, and why you think the US is the only country that’s ‘ok’ with illegals when Canada isn’t bothering to enforce its deportation orders?

You said non-citizens should not be deported without a trial. The only defence available to a non-citizen is that they are refugees or that they have some other legal status. If they can’t prove that, then out they should go.

The US is not going to deport the 13,000,000 illegals. You know it, I know it, we all know it. But that doesn’t mean other countries can’t have a rational immigration system and enforce their laws to deport undesireable non-citizens who do not have refugee or other legal status.

Canada has a pathetic enforcement record. But Canadians do not support allowing illegals to stay, the way the US seems to.