
Report: McChrystal Offers Resignation

jamesfirecat6/22/2010 4:04:04 pm PDT

re: #356 EmmmieG

Here’s my brilliant plan: (Well, I get to call it brilliant)

We’re going to have to take the generational approach. Nothing this messed up can be fixed by three years of occupation and a few buildings. Nope.

We go to Karzai and explain that he’s going to build some schools. Now. Schooling mandatory for everyone under 14. (I’d say 16, but they may not be there yet.) Curriculum will be supplied by us. We get the kids six hours a day. The madrassas can have them for an hour, if they promise not to preach the gospel of blowing thyself up.

The curriculum will be entirely based on logic and enlightened thought, etc.

And, of course, we provide cookies. (This is my plan, after all.) Who doesn’t love the people who give you cookies?

Yeah, I know this looks expensive, but I really don’t see how we can change the place without changing the thinking of the people.

Maybe we can bulldoze the mountains, set up irrigation or just flat out import a bunch of water and try to minor terraforming job while we’re at it!

(There are worse ideas…)