
Tuesday Night Open

Gus11/10/2010 9:12:09 am PST

More on Allen Westā€™s chief of staff:

Via the local Crowley Political Report site, here is a fascinating video of Kaufman speaking at a 4th of July Tea Party event this past summer:

Youtube Video

At about the 5:00 mark, Kaufman read from the Declaration of Independence: ā€œThat whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.ā€

She then continuedā€¦

The Founding Fathers were brilliant. They gave us two methods with which to do it. They gave us ballots ā€” and thatā€™s a first line of defense. We go out there, and we change them, we send home all of these incumbents who have done nothing to represent the people. They donā€™t come to their districts, they donā€™t talk to us ā€” and they stopped taking my calls.

And then the Founding Fathers were ever so brilliant ā€” and I donā€™t care how this gets painted by the mainstream media, I donā€™t care if this shows up on YouTube, because I am convinced that the most important thing the Founding Fathers did to ensure me my First Amendment rights was they gave a Second Amendment. (Cheering.) And if ballots donā€™t work, bullets will.ā€

And at about 7:45, she talked about exactly what she would do if the Republicans didnā€™t win big in November ā€” a plan that sounds an awful lot like putting together a militia to fight the United States government:

When I say Iā€™ll put my microphone down on November 2nd if we havenā€™t achieved substantial victory, I mean it. Because if at that point, Iā€m gonna go up into the hills of Kentucky, Iā€™m gonna go out into the Midwest, Iā€™m gonna go up in the Vermont and New Hampshire outreaches, and Iā€™m gonna gather together men and women who understand that some things are worth fighting for ā€” and some things are worth dying for.ā€

You heard it right: if ballots donā€™t work, bullets will. That from the chief of staff for newly minted Republican/GOP/Tea Party/EIEIO Representative, Allen West.