
Why Does the Right Hate Planned Parenthood?

Tigger20054/16/2011 6:09:16 am PDT

So, I had one of those 18 month free financing plans from Best Buy, but things didn’t work out with my paying roommate the way I’d hoped & I was facing getting charged for the deferred interest. I asked my wingnut bro for some help, said I’d gladly sign a contract with him to pay him back. He decided there was no way he was going to do that without humiliating me. First he wanted me to bring the TV, dvd player, and laptop I bought at Best Buy over for him to keep until I finished paying him. He relented when I told him I was getting a larger tax refund than I thought and that I could pay him back right away with that. But then he created a new condition, I had to stop posting “dumb” stuff about Republicans and the Tea Party on Facebook because he doesn’t loan money to “commies.”

I brought this up with my stepmom and she said she and my dad would lend me the money. Once it’s in the bank and I’ve transmitted the money (hehe) I’m going to tell my brother where he can go. Something along the lines of “Interesting how you can’t refute my comments about the GOP/Tea Party with facts and reason so you try to shut me up with threats.”

I might still “agree” with his conditions for a while. I’ll tell him I’ll just post links to articles about Republicans and Tea Partiers doing and saying dumb things, completely without comment, opinion or “spin” from me.