
Yet Another Wingnut Blogosphere Fail: No Connection Between White House Shooter and OWS

RogueOne11/17/2011 3:53:16 am PST

Speaking of GM:

Obama’s auto bailout losses expected to rise by $9 billion

The federal government is going to lose billions more on its automotive bailout than it planned.

The Treasury Department now expects to lose $9 billion more on the automotive bailout, increasing the total loss to an estimated $23.6 billion, the Detroit News reports. The increase is largely due to a slide in General Motors’ stock price.

The bailout is expected to play large in presidential politics. President Obama has made multiple trips to auto plants in the Midwest to tout the success of the bailout. Republican presidential hopefuls, like front-runner and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, have blasted it as government interference in private commerce.

I think they’re still underestimating.