
Detroit Goes Bankrupt, Wingnuts Celebrate

A Mom Anon7/19/2013 2:28:36 am PDT

I sort of went off the rails a little above, I’m tired. I meant to tie things together there by saying one thing we could tangibly do soon is begin shifting some of our education efforts into skilled trade jobs, for all ages. I think those would be dollars well spent, an investment in the future, and the present. This isn’t going to happen until we can bring a large number of people together and confront politicians, hand in hand with the business interests this will benefit over the long haul. Personally, I think this is a really constructive way to say a hearty Fuck You to Erick Erickson, Michelle Malkin and the rest of the assholes celebrating the City of Detroit’s bankruptcy. Who does that? Happy, normal functional people do not behave like this. Ever.