
Tonight in Ferguson, Missouri

Botsplainer8/12/2014 8:14:40 am PDT

So have the intrepid chiefs of the Ferguson and St Louis police departments coordinated on shredding enough of the perp cop’s disciplinary file so as to feel free to release his name yet? Can the Ferguson city fathers be a little more deferential to the desires of the police department? How about the county officials directing public safety across the entire St. Louis area?

Have they given his family enough time to move their belongings from his house, while they move him to some undisclosed safe location?

Have they given him enough time to erase his facebook profile and his PoliceOne postings?

How badly do they really want this to spread into the rest of the St. Louis metro area, into toney white neighborhoods and shopping areas while police are sent from other jurisdictions into Ferguson to quell disturbances and gas journalists and homeowners?

So long as he’s safe from public rage, that’s all that matters.