
Palin and Letterman Bury the Hatchet

american sabra6/16/2009 1:46:55 pm PDT

re: #274 iceweasel

Don’t forget that Rush once said on his TV show that the White House had gotten a new dog— and put up a picture of then 13 yr old Chelsea.

Frankly, this Letterman bit is just the newest evidence that we have some deepseated sexism and misogyny in this country and no one political party has a lock on it.

I completely agree. I always felt bad for Chelsea. Amy Carter went through the same thing, but in far more hushed tones.

Personally, I don’t find Letterman funny, but I don’t listen to late night TV anyway.

I just don’t understand why, when we have really big issues, like the Revolutionary Guard beating the crap out of voters, and we get better news out of twitter and cell phones than we do from the AP about it, this other stuff is really small potatoes.