
Danish Conservative Speaks Out on Climate Change

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/21/2009 1:01:27 pm PDT

re: #360 R.B.Glennie

Again, you did not look at these links. Or you refused to process them or whatever you rationalized dismissing actual science from actual scientists you used to justify not thinking clearly.

For instance, had you looked at the actual data from NOAA, which I took time out of my day to provide for you, you would see that we are, and have continued to be warming.

Look at the page and refute it if you can. This is direct measurement.

The page even has a FAQ, written by actual PhDs in the field rather than political hacks that addresses you other issues.


You see, you can call me wrong as much as you likeā€¦ but you have to back it up with science. Otherwise you are just talking out of your ass.