
Onion: New Law Requires Women To Name Baby, Paint Nursery Before Getting Abortion

Olsonist1/15/2010 9:58:40 pm PST

re: #302 marjoriemoon

Right. Now I remember.

I play basketball. Or rather I used to before my orthopedic surgeon gave me The Talk. Anyways, I was playing in Fresno once and there was this red headed guy with a palsy that left him with little control over the left side of his body. And he was playing basketball. With us. He would move in and out of the key out to the three point line. I’d dump it out to him (because I figured this shit out quick) and he’d just nail three pointers. And then he’d tell you about it.

I was in a tough ashtanga yoga class once and this smelly fat fuck of a guy set up his mat right in front of me. What the hell is he doing here? He was a really good student. Maybe not with the ideal yoga body, but an awesome yoga student. An inspiration.

You never know.