
Obama Orders National Guard to Mexican Border

_RememberTonyC5/25/2010 3:11:04 pm PDT

re: #311 windsagio

Required response to any post like this.

If they felt ‘abandoned’ its because they weren’t paying attention to what was being done.

while some measures were clearly being taken, maybe not enough effective measures were being taken. I don’t believe 60% of Arizonans simply wanted to bust the stones of all immigrants from Mexico. Those who believe that Arizona’s citizens had that as their motivation are oversimplifying a complicated problem. The violence and kidnappings on the border and in Phoenix would certainly scare most of us if we had to deal with it in our backyard. And we might overreact if we felt our own government was not doing enough to help. This is a serious issue of national security that some are using for political gain. And both sides of the aisle have tried to exploit it. So now that the President is making this move, I think better days may be ahead.