
Daily Caller: Confederate Flags Are Just Like Gay Pride Flags

lawhawk10/15/2013 8:25:24 am PDT

Boehner: Plans? We don’t need a stinkin’ plan…

Obviously. Since when have any of their plans since their rebuffing a budget deal in July resulted in a positive development. They’ve shut down the government, threatened the credit of the nation, and threatening to send the economy - the global economy - into a mess that is totally avoidable by simply addressing a clean debt limit increase.

But the GOP simply can’t accept that they’ve lost this. Boehner lost control of the House the moment he sided with the TP over the majority of his own caucus and the majority of Americans who prefer to keep government operational and that we pay our obligations without defaulting and using extortion and threats to do what couldn’t be done at the ballot box, litigation, or legislatively.