
CPAC 2014, Festival of Lunacy Photo Gallery, Featuring Cowboy Reagan

Kragar3/08/2014 9:48:44 pm PST

re: #368 chadu

Game of Thrones? Dodged that bullet; didn’t enjoy the first one.

If Dresden Files, that’s Blood Rites, with porno, chaos, and two flavors of vampire.

Ever check out the Ciaphas Cain books?

Ciaphas Cain is a “Commissar,” a political officer of the Imperium of Man’s troops. Commissars are charged with maintaining the morale and loyalty of Imperial troops, an important matter when one considers the horrific odds and staggering casualties of the “grim dark future” of the WH40K setting. Despite holding no standard rank and being outside the chain of command, commisars have wide discretionary powers, including summary execution or even decimation, in pursuit of their duties. Cain, having observed the tendency of many members of the Commissariat to fall victim to “accidental” friendly fire, prefers to lead by example and encouragement instead of fear, and has gained a reputation for charismatic leadership, self-effacing heroism and concern for the common trooper. This has spiraled rather out of Cain’s control, as he is now regarded as a “Hero of the Imperium”, and is frequently assigned to dangerous and unusual circumstances. The truth, as presented in the novels, is that Cain is the sort of person he himself is supposed to execute: self-serving, incredibly paranoid, a truly skilled liar, and happy to put as many bodies between him and the enemy as possible in order to save his own skin. The author has stated that the character of Cain was inspired by both Harry Flashman and Edmund Blackadder.[11]