
Glenn Greenwald Retweets "If Obama Were Consistent He'd Bomb Israel," Then Deletes It

lostlakehiker8/09/2014 10:15:29 am PDT

re: #75 CuriousLurker

Yeah, people pay lip service to “never again”, yet genocide seems to keep occurring on a fairly regular basis without much notable outrage from the “civilized” first world.

This time had better be different. In Africa, the excuse can be made that air power is ineffective over jungle and that boots on the ground is impossible because there’s just no way to keep non-African armies healthy in the teeth of the local diseases, so boots on the ground, even spotters, is also impossible. And the distances involved are too great, etc. etc. And anyhow, what happens in Rwanda is inherently a contained situation and isn’t going to affect world markets.

None of those excuses, good, bad, or ugly, applies this time.