
Cory Wong // "Treehouse" (Feat. Phoebe Katis)

BigPapa3/11/2020 8:22:23 am PDT

re: #329 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I really hope that his supporters going forward take lessons from his failures with the African-American community. But unfortunately I fear they won’t because leftists made mistakes like that in the past too.

I’m going to qualify that I have a lot of Bernie supporting friends and I’m sure there are some Bernie supporting lizards on LGF. I feel your pain as my candidate of choice left and I was crushed. I don’t consider them Talibern though.

The Talibern are roughly equivalent to Trumpers. I call them Blue Trumpers. They are up in their feels and acting like shits right now and I’ll give anybody some slack when their candidate is going down or cratering. We all know some will get over it and move on and some won’t. Those that won’t I give zero fucks about. They can suck it. They cannot be reasoned or bargained with, they’re just toxic shits. It’s a waste of time to cater to earn their vote. They deserve mockery, scorn, derision, or, ostracism. They deserve to be ignored.

Time to put the boot on the throat of the GOP and focus on complete electoral eradication. The detritus of Blue Trumpers can get caught up in the house cleaning for all I care. They’re as much part of the problem as the Trumpes themselves.