
The Bob Cesca Podcast: The Good News Show

Hecuba's daughter8/07/2020 11:33:01 am PDT

re: #328 Mike Lamb

Just so I understand, the dude went to Russia for a Rip Van Winkle treatment of a benzo addiction?

And let’s assume for a second that it is a functioning therapy for beating the physical aspect of addiction, isn’t that kind of a scrotum way of dealing with it for an alpha male? Just “sleeping” it off?

What kind of moron goes to Russia for medical treatment? Jordan Peterson always was a misogynist — but this level of stupidity is astounding. His health outcome also adds another data point to my certainty that COVID-19 is significantly under reported in Russia. Indeed, I wouldn’t be surprised if Putin had been advising Trump from the beginning that not testing is the best way to prevent the virus from becoming a political issue that could harm him.