
Another Massive Windfall for Palestinians

Walter L. Newton3/06/2009 9:43:50 am PST

re: #336 Wyatt Earp

Was Zero on TV again? he is the death knell for the Dow.

This may sound stange to everyone out there, but I almost feel lucky that things worked out for me the way they did. Five years ago when I was laid off from the DOE contract that I was working on for 13 years, and then my ex-wife decided to bail, I cashed in my small retirement portfolio so I could get started again, since I walked away from the marriage with nothing.

And I paid off a lot of bills and stuff when I saw things going to hell. Now, I know that the stock market levels still effect me, but probably not as much as a lot of people.

What I am trying to say is, the downsizing I’ve done, both in liabilities and in employment income, the connections I’ve made to caring friends and people in the community, all makes me feel less threatened in this current situation.

Maybe all the poop that hit the fan five years ago was a “course correction” that was needed to help me get through these times.