
Krauthammer: Obama's Settlements Canard

Lynn B.6/05/2009 12:10:20 pm PDT

re: #366 Kenneth

Somebody please explain something to me…

Jews have lived continuously in the West Bank for more than 3000 years. So why should Israel not build communities in Judea and Samaria?

Why should their land be handed over to a another group of people who for 1310 years never considered themselves a “people” and never bothered to create a nation on that land?

Good question. And I keep wondering … beyond the expansion of existing “settlements” for growth, why again is the building of new Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria an obstacle to peace? Assuming, of course, that they’re built on land that doesn’t belong to someone else (which is not always the case, I know).

Is the building of Arab communities in Israel considered an obstacle to peace? Of course not. Because it is assumed that when “peaces comes,” Arabs will continue to live peacefully alongside Jews in Israel.

So why is it equally assumed that when “peace comes” there will not be a single Jew permitted to live in “Palestine?” And why is this assumption never ever questioned?