
Colin Powell: The GOP's Afraid of Rush

austin_blue7/28/2009 7:40:13 pm PDT

re: #346 VioletTiger

Hey austin,
In your great state this week—too hot!
Perhaps these are rhetorical questions, but are food, housing, education and medical care rights? If so, who has to provide them? How much is basic? Do I have a right to a beach-front condo? If I am a doctor, am I obligated to treat you? Should this be out of the goodness of my heart or my government mandate?
I understand your points, but wonder where and how we draw the line between giving a hand up when somebody needs it, and letting people live off the fat of the land.

Actually, you are required to treat me if you are a doctor. Here in central Texas, we had to establish a taxing district to collect money to pay for emergency room costs incurred at our various area hospitals. They are hellacious compared to any insurance plan. As far as housing is concerned, you should familiarize yourself with the Section 8 housing program administered by HUD. And no, you really, really wouldn’t want to live in public housing.