
John Birch Society Praises Glenn Beck for Promoting Their 'Ideas'

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/06/2010 2:03:57 pm PDT

I’m just asking important questions… How else could Sarah Palin have reached prominece without the madness incurring malevolence of the old ones?

Isn’t it interesting that I am the only one asking this?

You won’t see it asked on the “mainstream” media will you?

Some say that Sarah Palin opened the Necromomicon, learned forbidden knowledge and got a hickey from the madness of the old gods. Some say she is the love slave of Hastur. Others say that she got those breast implants to please the King in Yellow. Others say she spreads her legs for the dark and bloodstained affections of Cthulu cultists in a frenzied attempt to wake the old god from his death like slumber in the sunken city of R’lyeh.

Did you notice that Sarah Palin is in league with the tea parties and we all know that the Boston Tea party took place in a New England bay - just like the one near Arkham where the deep ones dwell? Coincidence? Maybe, but look at the pattern!

And what about her cult? Need I say more?

It is certainly true that when she makes speeches, people are either driven into the cult or rendered insane. Her warbling could well have been learned from the forbidden tongues of the deep ones. However, whether she learned to induce madness from the aftershocks of fellatiating the gibbering appendages of a shoggoth or the orgies of the deep ones is of no matter. The evil effect of her words is clear.

She is obviously the tool of long hidden and malevolent forces which are beyond the imagination of our limited human minds. She has tasted the madness and ecstasy of Kadath and gone over the blasted plains of Leng.

Look at the effect her presence has had on the entire GOP. Glimpses of he dark vistas of the twisted multiverse that rend a man’s soul apart and reduce his mind to twisted fragments of broken sanity are the only logical explanation.

Isn’t that interesting?