
Snowden Reveals More Secret Documents to Pro-Beijing Hong Kong Paper

otoc6/22/2013 3:53:54 pm PDT
re: #28 ProTARDISLiberal

You really think that those students that come in will really make China more tolerant? From my experience with PRC exchange students from OU, they still had blinkers on. Maybe a handful will be changed, but not enough to be significant.

A handful today grow into more tomorrow. Being patient for results is the key in my opinion. Once the taste of freedom is on the tongue, it’s hard to spit out. Let’s face it, our freedoms, no matter how flawed are miles ahead from the changes the Chinese have had during their change from total Communism. I’d ask if you were confusing nationalism for blinders in your example. We all have nationalism. That’s why I’m pissed at the latest Snowden example.

Edit: my cutting and pasting made it difficult to see to where I was respondin, my apologies