
We Have to Try to Laugh: Stephen Colbert on Trump Taking a Stand for the Real Victims - Men

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)10/04/2018 11:34:51 am PDT

re: #33 Citizen K

Look at the constant re-litigation of the Civil Rights Movement we’re constantly doing, and apparently losing ground on because of the complete entrenchment of the GOP at ever single level of governance at this point, and likely not getting a lot of those advancements back…hell, if we ever even had them for real at all.

This is what’s real. This is what they want, they just don’t have to hide it behind ‘aww shucks’ feigned ignorance anymore. This is American Hate. And it’s winning.

We’ll fight it. We have to fight it. I just don’t think we’ll ever beat it or hold it back at this point.

Conservatives flat out don’t want to live in reality. Maybe when we develop some form of time travel we can ship them to the past they think was so great and they can starve to death because of their own stupidity.