
Seth Meyers: Trump's Mar-a-Lago Neighbors Don't Want Him to Move There

William Lewis12/16/2020 8:31:41 pm PST

re: #28 stpaulbear

Before the pandemic, there were lots of record stores in the Twin Cities. I don’t know how many have been forced out of business, but some of them are probably surviving through internet sales.

A quick look at google shows me that Electric Fetus is still there along with 19 other stores in the Twin Cities metro area. I loves me my music but the record store was always something you had to tolerate with to get the goodies from overseas. Of course, I was looking for punk and hardcore when the only good record store in town was a head shop and I didn’t partake. Always stank of patchouli in there but the occasional find (a VU album I was missing or a Clash import) made tolerating it acceptable.

I just bought all three of the GoGo Penguin’s Blue Note releases on Amazon and had them Prime delivered. Much preferable to me.