
Colbert: Nine Days Into the Biden Presidency, It's Time for a Look Back

Targetpractice1/30/2021 12:44:09 pm PST

re: #31 Jack Burton

Something like that happened in the show Jericho. The new Allied States of America government that was implied to be very right wing and was putting out obvious right wing propaganda in history books (like we actually won the Vietnam War, and a bunch of stabbed in the back style myths, etc.) had a constitutional convention and ditched the entire Bill of Rights including the 2nd Amendment. The constitution was basically a wish list for the corporations rebuilding America and the main one was a thinly veiled Harliburton/Blackwater hybrid.

Yeah, it’s a series that belongs with V for Vendetta and the Star Wars prequels in being right about Repubs wanting to install themselves as fascist dictators but also being way too early.