
Colbert: Trump Could Be Charged With Criminal Conspiracy (But Will He?)

lawhawk3/04/2022 11:28:25 am PST

re: #30 Mattand

I’m going to leave this here:

DOJ investigations work from the bottom up when it comes to conspiracies. Oath Keepers are caught up in seditious conspiracy. We have a guilty plea on seditious conspiracy. That implicates Rhodes, who is the go between with Stone. Stone links to Trump directly, but also to others in the WH.

In much the same way we didn’t know what was going on with the Manhattan DA prosecutions until the DA seemingly pulled the plug on them and two of the prosecutors resigned over it, we don’t know what the DOJ is doing here.

I’d like to think that they’re building a case against Trump directly, but no way to know for sure. The political calendar isn’t being considered when they’re looking at prosecuting Trump, even though they need to keep it in mind. It just looks like Garland is running out the clock and letting Trump off just as prosecutors have done for decades.