
Seth Meyers: Trump Claims He's Never Read "Mein Kampf" After Quoting Hitler, Praising Putin

Targetpractice12/21/2023 11:41:52 pm PST

re: #29 JC1

The congressman from Tennessee is being quite specific with his hypothetical…

The crux of his entire bit is this part right here:

And they protect it and they protect the people that that do that. And by doing so, you know, the old honey pot — the Russians do that — and I’m sure members of Congress have been caught up. Why in the world would good conservatives vote for crazy stuff like what we’ve been seeing out of Congress? Here’s how it works. You’re visiting, you’re out of the country or out of town or you’re in a motel or at a bar in DC and, whatever you’re into - women, men, whatever — comes up and they’re very attractive and they’re laughing at your jokes. And you’re buying them a drink. Next thing you know, you’re in the motel room with them naked.

The whole thing’s a long-winded version of the “They must a’ got to him” conspiracy theory. That bit that wingnuts love to hold onto to explain how their worldview can be so at odds with the way things play out, that court cases that don’t go the way they expected them to means that “somebody” must have “got to” the judge or the jury. A bill didn’t pass and their favorite politician(s) voted against it? “Somebody got to them.” So on and so forth, which is how you wind up with elaborate conspiracies about massive shadowy cabals that control everything and why nothing goes the way you expected it to, because they have plans that contradict yours and will expend ginormous resources to achieve them at your expense.

Hence how some horny old goat who chose to exploit the time away from his wife to get his dick wet and tried to hump anything that stayed still long enough like a drunk teen on Spring Break in Cancun magically becomes the helpless victim of a “honey pot” who “just happened” to wind up on camera in bed with a total stranger.