
Defining "Creationism" Down

Sharmuta2/24/2009 1:00:29 pm PST

I think “Scion9” made a great point yesterday:

I hate to break this to you, but Bobby Jindal and his ilk are basically Christian Socialists. Jindal agrees with every damn thing the Dems have to say that really matters. The Dems are Hegelian-interpreted mainline Protestants sans God (AKA Marxists). You put the God back in the equation and you got the Discovery Institute and their ilk. The Creationist, populist rabble are constantly going off on rants against “Corporatism”, etc. They are not fiscally conservative; they are not conservative at all.

Christian Socialist- I like the term. And I think we know know what “Compassionate Conservative” really meant. Fiscal conservatives have been scratching their heads trying to figure out how republicans could have so easily morphed into big spenders. Well- here’s your answer.