
Are You Ready for the Mini-Schwein?

37 5:45:56 am PDT

Recent tweets. No telling how accurate these are.

jonacon: RT Thousands of people attempting to enter Tehran protest site have been blocked by heavily armed police, eyewitness says. #iranelection

ErikaMadelene: BBC: it is not possible to gather, forces are breaking up the ppl—- #iranelection #gr88 omg

ree4alln: RT @EnghelabeAzadi: Huge basij pressence in tehran. You have terrified the gov, don’t let them stop you. #iranelection #iranelections #gr88

mimzkie: RT @Rezaliteit Oilice/basij trying to block yr way. Get round them or sit on ground in front of them in silence. #iranelection

loreleisigma: RT @leonspencer @CNN stupid interviewing woman say only 1st name will be given. they show her full name in caption #IranElection #CNNFail

photo, supposedly from today