
Democrats Turn the Tables, As Expected

Gus10/05/2009 9:41:20 am PDT

Time will tell if this has any political value, i.e. payback on the incessant “reactionary criticism.” I’m pretty sure it will be of use in payed political advertising utilizing the words of the right-wing pundits. They may argue “guilt by association does not apply” but in fact it is “association by choice.”

The article reveals that Mitt Romney is still standing above the fray and remaining civil:

He has a lot of really wrong ideas. But does that mean his effort to bring the Olympic games to Chicago and a chance to put America on the world’s stage should also automatically be subjected to scorn? I don’t believe it should. That’s just criticism for criticism’s sake. Reactionary criticism could even dilute any valid and legitimate criticism of his bad policies.”

These words from Romney are something the GOP needs to ponder: Reactionary criticism could even dilute any valid and legitimate criticism of his bad policies. From the looks of things in the right-wing blogosphere, reactionary criticism seems to have become their raison d’tre.