
The Proudly Ignorant Party

_RememberTonyC4/07/2010 1:22:20 pm PDT

several thoughts here …

climate change is not a hoax and I do not believe that EVERY right of center person believes it is.

there are still many fine people in the “right of center” crowd who are not wild eyed knuckledraggers, although lately on this board we are made to feel like we are by some folks.

as a “right of center” Independent, I am troubled by the influence of the birchers in the Republican party, and I feel most Americans of all political persuasions feel the same way. that is why the GOP needs a modern day William F. Buckley to step up and purge this filth. I’ve been told by some on this board, including Charles that I’m dreaming. But it will happen eventually. The questions are “when” and “who?”

I think the GOP is currently a rudderless ship, but I feel that will eventually change. But if the extremists on the right get someone like ron paul as the nominee in 2012, he will be absolutely trounced by Obama. And maybe then the level heads in the GOP will reclaim the intellectual initiative.

Having said all that, there are also problems with the left of center agenda that I will not stop bringing up. My kids are going to get fucked by this spending orgy and they deserve better than that. The current leftist agenda includes a lot of “live for today” types who want to “fix” everything right now, with no feel for the future unintended consequences caused by this mad dash into the land of change and hope.

It troubles and saddens me that people on the left say I’m a right winger and people on the right would call me a RINO. I am neither. I’m just someone who tries to see both sides and calls it as I see it. And what I see right now are mostly unpleasant choices.