
Geller Still Using Gingrich's Name in Promos

jamesfirecat8/21/2010 6:21:33 pm PDT

re: #32 Dark_Falcon

That was at Poitiers, in 732 AD. The battle Gates of Vienna refers to is the Second Siege of Vienna in 1682. The Siege ended with a reinforcing army lead by the king of Poland trapping the Turks against the city walls and slaughtering them. The long war that followed ended with the Ottomans being forced to sign the Treaty of Carlowitz in 1699, in which they relinquished their claims to most of Hungary.

Image: the_more_you_know2.jpg

So it’d be the equivalent of a Native American blog calling itself “Little Big Horn” more or less…..

When the person who runs said blog wants kick Caucasians back into the Atlantic Ocean…


(Just the first analogy I could come up with, will it serve?)