
Planned Parenthood Under Attack by Extremist Lila Rose

Ming2/07/2011 12:17:52 pm PST

This would be funny, if it didn’t impact people’s lives with such devastation. This post talks about anti-abortion activists who would outlaw abortions even after a week or two of pregnancy. And the very next blog post, immediately below this one, is about anti-birth control activists who want to restrict access to contraception. Well, elementary logic would say that if you really are concerned about all abortions, you would naturally want to make contraceptives widely available, so fewer abortions would occur (for that matter, fewer miscarriages, which are also tragic, would occur). But here we have the same people 100% committed to outlawing contraception, and outlawing abortion. (And of course, all this would be done without any government spending.)