
Global warming in action: Chinese bread basket suffering worst drought in 200 years

Decatur Deb5/25/2011 11:39:36 am PDT

re: #34 LudwigVanQuixote

I think that in my time here, I have written several hundred posts on AGW and given hundreds of references to kosher, completely technical, peer reviewed resources, as well as penning many detailed explanations of the phenomena.

I know I have friends here who read those posts - and I thank you.

I beg you all who have read this though, to not just take it seriously, but take it seriously enough that you bring it up whenever you can to whomever you are talking to. The only long term way this gets turned around is if enough people see that such change must happen. So much so that they can influence policy makers.

I beg each of you to learn the science as best you can - and it really is conceptually very simple. All of you can explain the water cycle, the idea that ice melts when it gets hot, the idea of a feedback loop and the idea that crops don’t do well if they are too hot or don’t have enough water.

Learn the science and argue it passionately - as if your life and the lives of all those you love depended on it. They do! Don’t linger no the odds of success. Failure is not an option.

I’m past the science part—it’s the lack of an action plan, one that includes realistic assessment of the world’s political wisdom, that makes me dwell on “after the Fall”.