
Pamela Geller: 'I've Had It Up to Here With Sandra Fluke's Obama-Endorsed Vagina'

lawhawk3/06/2012 1:26:02 pm PST

I’ve had it up to here with Pam.

Speaking of debased, how much is she getting to shill racist and xenophobic commentary at her own site and by and through SIOA and all the other spinoff anti-Muslim sites, speaking engagements and all the rest and to act like arm-candy for the likes of Robert Spencer?

Fluke is an activist because she stood up for women who want the choice to use birth control (but whose employers might otherwise want to limit because of religious objections). The solution was to have the insurers provide the service bypassing the religious objection, but the right wing is gone gonzo over this - even though it’s not a new issue and had been resolved (by having the insurers provide the service instead of the employer).

She was within her rights to give testimony before Congress, and Rush called her a slut and prostitute among other things. Geller’s solution? Be that Bag? Really? That’s her counter to the ongoing right wing assault against rights of women to seek and obtain birth control, and the misogynistic treatment of women generally.

Oh, and I nominate “Be That Bag” as rotating a headline.