
Illinois Primary Youth Turnout: 4%

Targetpractice3/21/2012 9:30:36 pm PDT

re: #33 BryanS

Pure politics opinion here, but I don’t think the war on women meme is doing anything other than firing up Obama’s base. The right has also gotten fired up on the opposite side over the same issue. All things equal, I call that a wash.

For now, it is clear that Gingrich is out—which really wasn’t all that clear until Gingrich failed to win in his next strangest states after Georgia and S.C. Gingrich may not have formally dropped out, but practically he is out. The GOP is now down to two, and already there is a slow rumbling chorus growing that will rally around Romney (Jeb Bush endorsement, Bob Dole calling for Santorum to drop out). Those calls will continue since the math would require Santorum to get 70% of the remaining delegates to win.

Chorus or no chorus, I doubt Rick’s gonna drop until the very last vote is counted in the primaries, if not dragging it to the convention. The goal doesn’t seem so much to win the nomination now as to deny it to Romney until the convention, when they can each make their cases before a brokered convention about why they should win the nomination despite losing so badly in the primaries. That’s Newt’s stated goal, very like Paul’s, and Santorum likely is working on the same wavelength.