
Glenn Beck's 'The Blaze' Readers Spew Hatred and Racism at Michelle Obama

The Ghost of a Flea7/13/2012 12:06:21 pm PDT

WND: Blacks Lazy, Shiftless, ‘Should Be More Like Jews’

No way in hell am I linking to the original article. The link goes to Wonkette.

I have interviewed some of the most successful Jews in the world, people who emerged from the Holocaust or started out with nothing and who today are on Forbes’ list of billionaires. There is an underlying theme to their success stories: They got out of bed, worked hard and pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps. Even Mayor Bloomberg recounted to me how in his youth he made money by parking cars and told me the trick to his success was merely getting up earlier and working harder than the next guy. Mark Cuban told me he started out selling garbage bags door to door. The Jews, the most persecuted people in history know one thing from their pan-generational sufferings: God helps those who help themselves.

If Barack Obama really cared for the black community more than he cares for himself he wouldn’t point to the rich to invoke class envy – he’d be pointing to them and say, “OK, let’s learn from their success and then do as they do.” Instead of demanding that the wealthy pay their fair share, he would demand that welfare recipients pull their own weight.