
Another Vote for Barack Obama

TedStriker11/06/2012 11:14:57 am PST

re: #12 Kragarghazi

Kirk Cameron: Defeat Obama to ‘Hold Back the Flood of Moral and Spiritual Evil that has been Pouring into the Country’

Oh, fuck you, Kirk…you sanctimonious gasbag.

Ever notice how those people who go really overboard on their vices and addictions tend to go REALLY overboard in the other direction if they “find Jesus” and become “born again” while drying out? They then tend to have a perpetual corn cob up their asses and never miss an opportunity to tell everyone else that they’re gonna go to Hell.

Kirk, you just traded the addictions of your youth for an addiction to God, a God that doesn’t exist outside the Old Testament or your wingnut brethern’s imaginations.